Franca Ravet, oeuvres, exporevue, artistes sur ecran

about artists
Franca Ravet






Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet
Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet Franca Ravet
Who are you?
Franca Ravet has always been in search of the destiny of man, his progression along his life and all the records he bears in mind; happy ones or sad ones from childhood (that never disappear) and also the doubts about a future you never know what it will be. This long time investigation was translated into drawings on paper remounted on canvas presented like series in more sequences and all this resumes in the picture of a crowd that finally result in the portrait of an individual. The most recent works are oriented on the portrait of one, rarely two faces of a human being. Two faces looking to each other in a kind of mirror effect. This is done by reproduction of the image by transfer just like the old practice of the pouncing pattern. The profile is seen on a neutral background but repeated quite differently let us say in light or dark environment but always in a neutral range of hues with no colour seduction effect because everything resume in this human being caught in the difficulties of life without any help. He is a kind of prisoner of life trying to escape his human condition but with no possibility to communicate, a man facing his destiny.
As for the works before, the artist prepares the background layers like it was done in the olden days and if this background seems to be done in one colour, it this is not. The hues are put layer by layer and the smallest surface is a full canvas. In search of a very personal light that is never a spot one, the artist likes to obtain a soft light coming out of the canvas instead of being projected from outside the painting. Canvases carry the re-mounted drawings on paper to upgrade the necessary importance of this very personal background. Sometimes the human silhouette comes up against an obstacle, something unknown that stopped any progress on the way to freedom. It happens a mysterious light comes out from a dark ambient. In some works the man is not alone suggesting there are more inhabitants around him but this appear without exact description.

Here and there, the neutral effect of the backgrounds is broken by a red flow but the red colour slide is broken by some mist, like clouds that help the grey canvas to emerge with more strength and in these canvases there is an embryonic face to remember life is still the winner. In her recent works, Franca Ravet demonstrates a kind of personal philosophy about which she gives no information. More suggested than explained it accompanies the long way of men living on earth in the middle of events completely out of their ability to change the destiny. At the top of maturity (she was born in 1957) the artist now leaves the play sphere of childhood records and investigates further into the sense of life with the representation of more profiles, portraits seen in mirror effect and representation of the many facts and small things coming out of the memory of what happens in the course of one's life.
In search of her own identity for years and largely inspired by the small facts of destiny regarding humanity in general, Franca Ravet notes down the facts. She does not want to analyse and investigate, she takes the necessary notes just to be able to go further and further in her quest. She does not call for revenge nor radical change, she just notes down the human condition, its evolution along a century particularly affected by whirls of all kinds Painting is no lamentation here nor a kind of inventory of grief and happiness, it is the expression of the man's way, man facing himself and going straight to the point one can meet each other, communicate and finally live together for a different future that will not be the realm of joy but a more quiet empire based on harmony and serenity. This is a celebration of life leading to the wish for a better world here expressed through the creations of Franca Ravet asking the eternal question where are we going to?

Anita Nardon, Bruxelles, octobre 2007

Franca Ravet, galerie Libre Cours, 100 rue de Stassart, 1050 Bruxelles
